Upgrade on our company-wide business operating system (28 July – 3 August 2022)
Ricoh Hong Kong Limited (RHK) will have an upgrade on our company-wide business operating system during the period 28 July – 3 August 2022.
After the system upgrade, there will be some changes in relation to the following:
- Invoice and statement – change in layout and overall presentation. You may access our website (https://www.ricoh.com.hk/support/billing-services) to learn about the new invoice format from 5 August 2022.
- Agreement number – new Agreement Numbers will be assigned to your existing contracts with RHK (the current valid agreement numbers (if any) will also be shown for reference)
- Customer number – new prefix will be added to the existing customer numbers
During the period, we endeavour to maintain our service level to customers. However, some customers may still experience a limited extent of delay in respect of following requests:
- Toners and consumables delivery requests
- Issue of invoices (including both mailing and uploading on customer portal)
Thank you for your patience and understanding. We always strive to deliver the best service to customers and do our best to mitigate risks of business interruption to our esteemed customers. If you have any queries or request, please feel free to call our Customer Service Hotline or email us at [email protected], we will do our best to serve your needs.
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