Accelerating Digital Transformation Through Automation

December 13, 2022
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Why Workflow Automation is Key to Accelerating Digital Transformation

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The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.
Bill Gates


If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that preparation is key to keeping business going in the face of disruption. But therein lies a central question: “How can we adapt and seize the opportunities created by disruptions to take our business forward?”

Answering this requires companies to strategically examine their business and find future-proof ways of building agility, resilience, and efficiency. One way is through workflow automation. 

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2/3 of organisations are increasing investments in automation and AI, either somewhat or significantly.
McKinsey, 2021
Two male builders look at tablet on building site

Don’t Get Comfortable, Get Optimised

Companies today are re-evaluating their business process management and realising the need to move away from time-consuming, costly, and error-prone workflows to address the constraints resulting from remote or distributed work models.

Many are investing in systems to integrate and transform their organisational culture for growth, as well as cost-effective digital solutions for accurate data extraction and to reduce the amount of manual work.

There has never been a better time to make a case for workflow automation, with the growing arsenal of options for tackling, rethinking, and implementing mapped processes in a whole new way—some faster than you think.

Top 5 Benefits of Workflow Automation

Real transformation benefits can be obtained when processes are automated, allowing for real collaboration and competitive advantage. Here are some of the benefits of workflow automation in daily use.

Frees up time and reduces human errors
Streamlines communications
Creates better accountability and preparedness
Enhances reporting and accessibility
Reduces costs and drives profit


Here is a simple formula you can use to calculate the potential business andoperatingadvantages of automated workflows that readily translate into financial gain:
[Task Time Pre Automation] – [Task Time Post Automation] x
[Hourly wage cost] x [Number of TimesTask is Performed] = Your ROI

Key takeaway: Workflow automation solutions can help you streamline communication, save money, increase efficiency, and empower employees with accountability and the time to focus on what matters.

Next Step: Start Automating your Business for Growth

Before you adopt any workflow automation solution, the first step is to take stock of what you have now and reduce inefficiencies that could otherwise create more issues down the road. Ricoh can help you begin by evaluating the way information flows throughout your business.

With Ricoh’s Workflow & Automation solutions, you can improve operational efficiency, optimise business processes and resources, simplify complexity, and streamline how your business completes essential tasks. Our solutions can help you optimise your content, collaboration, and business processes to enable your employees to work better, faster, and deliver more value.

Learn how Ricoh’s Workflow & Automation can help you streamline and simplify processes across your organisation on your journey toward accelerating digital transformation. 

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