Elevate Your Business Potential With Network Cloud Solutions

March 29, 2023
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Elevate Your Business Potential With Network Cloud Solutions - ebook cover mockup

Reach the Full Potential of Your Organisation With Network Cloud Solutions

One of the major challenges that organisations face in their digital transformation is enabling productive communication and collaboration in an “everywhere” work environment. This is because traditional network infrastructures were not made to support the increased workload and ensuing security complexities resulting from digital transformation.

As the IT head, you need to establish a digital environment that works seamlessly and gives employees secure access to networks and data, regardless of their work location.

In this article, discover how you can enable easy and safe connection to corporate networks and digital assets with the right network cloud solution.

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Revolutionise Your Cloud Network With SD-WAN

Software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) is a game changer in terms of providing an edge for businesses to stay competitive while ensuring scalability. With SD-WAN, you can eliminate expensive routing and hardware costs while enabling flexibility in accessing multi-cloud services.

Benefits of cloud networking

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Enhanced performance

SD-WAN is able to conduct application profiling, which enables the prioritisation of network traffic, down to individual applications at any location.

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Cost savings

SD-WAN takes charge of existing internet connections (such as fibre, copper, 4G, 5G, and the National Broadband Network in Australia) and combines them to build a vast yet affordable pipeline to the internet.

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Strengthens security

By creating a secure tunnel with robust encryption, SD-WAN shields your network traffic from one location to another.

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Empowers cloud utilisation

Regardless of the level of complexity in a business’s digital infrastructure, by taking on cloud networking, organisations of any kind or size can automatically boost their ability to scale.

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Simplifies complexity and optimises flexibility

SD-WAN solves compounding network complexities by streamlining the WAN infrastructure, from automating tasks and offloading non-critical applications to traffic management.

Laptop screen showing logos for Cisco Partner and Cisco Meraki

Level Up with Cisco-Meraki SD-WAN

Cisco Meraki SD-WAN empowers you with a single dashboard that gives you overall visibility and control of your distributed network. Using this solution, you will be able to get customised alerts to your connected devices.

With Ricoh’s expertise and Cisco Meraki, you can adopt an integrated stance towards network security. Employ all-in-one functions, including the next-generation firewall, internet gateway, integrated router, traffic shaper, and anti-virus for your network.

Advantages of Cisco Meraki

  • Flexible control that links back to your Microsoft server environment, down to the devices, users, and applications
  • Threat protection and gateway security
  • Targeted control and visibility on devices and users
  • Integration within a Server Active Directories structure for insightful reports
  • Superior Auto-VPN for a dynamic business that strives for security

Ready to deploy Ricoh’s cybersecurity in your organisation?

At Ricoh, our certified and experienced network engineers are committed to helping your organisation realise success via our Network Cloud Solutions capabilities. Through our solutions, you can gain access to cutting-edge technologies, enabling your organisation to digitalise and operate from anywhere.

Our experienced personnel can assist you with every step of the journey, from building a comprehensive roadmap to discovering innovative technologies that reflect the best practices of today’s digital transformation initiatives. We can guide you towards the best practices for implementation and adoption, enabling you to adapt seamlessly to changing customer demands and optimise operational efficiency.

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