- 理光(香港)與 思科建立伙伴關係 以頂尖雲端平台及IT設備完善混合工作模式 設立思科方案服務專線及團隊 全天候支援客戶數碼轉型
- 理光獲得 Gartner 2022 年《Magic Quadrant™ for Outsourced Digital Workplace Services》的認可
- Ricoh awarded Gold rating by EcoVadis for its sustainability practices
- Ricoh recognised for its climate change action with place on prestigious CDP2021 Supplier Engagement Rating Leaderboard
- IDC MarketScape names Ricoh a Leader in Worldwide Cloud MPS Vendor Assessment
- Ricoh awarded Gold Class recognition in sustainability ratings by S&P Global
- IDC MarketScape 將理光評為分佈式勞動力中的全球印刷領導者
- Ricoh acquires Axon Ivy AG to expand its Digital Process Automation capabilities
- 更新:關於新型冠狀病毒 (2019-nCoV)的聲明
- Update: Notice on potential impact of Apache Log4j vulnerability towards Ricoh products and services