- 理光(香港)全力支持凸版資訊(香港)提升數碼印刷服務
- Ricoh and Kopernik to expand 360-degree video focusing on social issues through collaboration with UN Volunteers in the field
- 有關微軟 Windows 10系統 2021年3月安全更新對理光打印機的影響
- Ricoh awarded Gold rating by EcoVadis for its sustainability practices
- Ricoh joins WIPO GREEN and provides 83 patented environmental technologies to contribute to solving social issues
- 員工確診COVID-19的客戶信
- Ricoh raises renewable electricity target to 50% by FY2030
- 理光被標普全球授予「可持續發展等級銀獎」
- 辦公室打印設備暗藏傳播風險 銀離子屏幕保護貼有效消滅病毒
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