RICOH Digital Services
Ricoh Digital Services gives you the perfect opportunity to move forward and address your needs and challenges, securing your future in the process.
Our expertise in four key areas—Hybrid Workplace, Workflow & Automation, Cloud & IT Infrastructure, and Cybersecurity—that enable you to harness the power of digital information across your organisation.
Our tailor-made solutions ensure the right information and technology is always available, secure, and working for you.
- Hybrid WorkplaceThe traditional office-first model has changed forever. Companies are looking at hybrid workplace models to support a distributed workforce of both in-office and remote workers. Our Hybrid Workplace offerings can help you optimise collaboration and communication within workspaces so your workforce can remain productive and engaged no matter where you are.Find out more
- 工作流程自動化工作流程自動化解決方案讓您淘汰現有勞工密集、錯誤頻生的系統和工序,改為採用創新科技及先進業務應用程式的最佳組合。我們的目標很簡單,就是為客戶整理數據、減少出錯,並提升生產力。
- Cloud & IT InfrastructureAt Ricoh, we have all the answers to your questions—from providing a clear vision at the start to delivering solutions and services to modernise and consolidate your IT infrastructure.Find out more
- CybersecurityBusinesses these days need to keep a watchful eye on cyberattacks and vulnerabilities, as well as adhere to compliance regulations to maintain your competitive edge. Our Cybersecurity offerings help you stay ahead of threats and manage risk in a secure and compliant environment.Find out more